Monday, May 9, 2011

Love - Aren't you a bit too young?

So, it's been a while since I last blogged any shit up - and right now I am in class playing neopets and blogging when in fact, I should be finishing my back work. :3 Whoopsies.

First of all, I'm not really one who believes in high school relationships and I do get jealous of couples at times. But here I am sitting next to several people and I am laughing so hard on the inside. What? How old are you, (like 16/17?) and you're talking about love and serious relationships already? You sir, make me laugh my fucking ass off. I don't know you, but you are giving advice as if you yourself have been in a million relationships and I think that that's just retarded. Oh please, don't talk about finding yourself in front of my face, because it just makes me laugh. Seriously, if I wasn't right next to you, I would roll my eyes and be on the floor crying right now. Instead of thinking about boys and love, you should be worrying about your future and crap because that's what's important right now.

It's not so much of what you said, but the tone and the way you presented the advice to the poor girl who is listening to you was retardedly stupid. Please, you've only been living on this planet for less than TWO fucking decades. Don't act like you're an expert in how guys and girls should act in a relationship -especially when you haven't fucking experienced a real one yourself. I apologize if I am repeating myself, but.... You may disagree with me and I may even disagree with myself years down the road, but right now, no.

Another thing that has been bugging me for the pass two months - Don't you dare use other activities as a excuse to get out of doing your job. I am talking about you, Section Leader. You won that 1st chair and you are expected to do your fucking job of making up sectionals and calling extra sectionals. But no, instead, you go around prancing and using judo as an excuse. Uh, hello, the world does not revolve around you. I'm busy too, so is the next person besides me. I shake my head in disappointment hearing how crappy the band sounded this year. I know it's due to a lot of factors, but we could have done our part to make it better. If you ask me why I didn't take charge, I lost my leadership at the beginning of the year along with my fucking 1st chair when I screwed up my audition. If you are going to do other activities, manage your fucking time. I managed to do it last year, so why can't you?

Also just had prom this past weekend. It was okay, mediocre at best. I think I spent most of the time waiting in line to take professional pictures, which brings me to my next point. The skank. I know I should have said no when she asked me to take pictures, but I didn't think it'd be that bad. Thank god my friends were there to hold me back from losing my temper, cause I was seriously about to explode. Stop screaming like an 'angry chicken hag', or as we call them in Chinese, 'ock gei na' cause it makes you look stupidly retarded. It doesn't help that you already look like a hag and dress like a slut. And with fucking rumors going around that you're pregnant from sleeping around with every guy you "date", I would try to keep a low profile.Long story short, we originally planned for 12 people to take a photo with and each person was only suppose to pay $4. We ended up with 10, so of course the price was going to go up per person. Stop making a fucking big deal about the one extra dollar an just pay me because I am the one who ends up paying extra fucking money if you don't correctly pay your share. That is if you even paid your fucking share. I counted and recounted the money and somebody had the fucking nerve to not pay money that night. Thanks for making ME pay the extra money when that was already the case.

Then, this morning, you even had the nerve to stupidly ask me 'Did the pictures come in?' in a not only whiney tone, but an ungrateful one as well. Hello, PROM WAS ONLY ON SATURDAY, DUMBASS! Did I have to ssss-llllllloooooooooooooowwww-llyyyy spell that out for you? Or are you just stupid. Not only that, what ticked me off wasn't just your tone, but the fact that you didn't pay (I know it was you) and that it was the first fucking thing you asked me. Are you so fucking afraid that I'm not going to give you the pictures? Or is it because you know that I know that I didn't pay? I seriously hope that you get some STD for your slutty actions as a retribution. It serves you right for everything you've done to not only me, but to my friends as well. Excuse me for my immature and brash behavior, but my blood boils when I think of this incident.

Finally on a lighter note, I have finally decided that I will get a 2011 Honda Accord for my first car and I am fucking excited!~~ The sexy beast.

Just look at the beauty. D: